Author Books
Conquering Personal Problems
Conquering Personal Problems is a result of intimate contacts and study of the negative mental attitudes that confront Christian men and women.
Exploring God's Answers
Arthur L. Bietz, Ph.D., was for many years Professor and Director of the Division of Religion, College of Medical Evangelists (now Loma Linda University), Los Angeles, and pastor of the White Memorial Seventh-day Adventist Church. Dr. Bietz was well-known as a Bible student and an authority in counseling and guidance.
In Quest of Life
In Quest Of Life, Arthur L. Bietz offers sound advice to youth and youth leaders in the hopes that he will make a contribution to their faith. It is written with the conviction that all facets of truth in the moral, social, physical, and spiritual realm unite to glorify God.
Pulling Life Together
This book was written as a source book for Physicians, Ministers, Teachers, and Laymen. The author seeks to unite the insights of the science of human nature with the teachings of Scripture and the writings of Ellen G. White that will hopefully result in a strengthening of the reader’s faith in the message we love.
The basic needs of life can be summed up in thirteen fundamental principles. These form the chapter headings of this book. Each chapter is divided into three sections—the meaning of the principle, Biblical parallels, and supporting statements from Ellen G. White.
The Wise Have It
Solomon’s proverbs are as apt today as they were in Israel thousands of years ago. Believing that these gems of knowledge should be more fully explored, Dr. Bietz has chosen some of the basic proverbs of Scripture. Digging deeper into them, he has struck rich veins of truth that may go unnoticed by the casual reader.