Author Books
Loom O' Life
As we live, we each weave patterns in the loom of life. Some of them are tangled, some unfinished, some incomplete and laid aside as useless. Other patterns are such a mixture of brightness and somberness that the completed design is lovely beyond words. In Loom 'o Life Josephine Edwards writes of the Master Weaver who works within each life, striving to bring together a pattern of unsurpassed loveliness.
Malinki of Malawi
This is the story of the struggle of Malinki and his mother for their existence in Africa, called in those days the Dark Continent. But it is more than the struggle for existence; it shows the courage and strength of one born in slavery to forge ahead and make a better life.
Sibande and Other Stories
Sibande, is the son of a Zulu chief sent to the mission to find a cure for his leg sickness. As he learns about the Christian God and the Adventist message, he wonders how he can ever take his place as the village chief.
With an Holy Calling
The blizzard came swiftly and unexpectedly upon Mother Vandeman and Herbie that early spring morning as they were on their way home from Aurickaree Creek. In moments, the countryside was shrouded in deep, billowy drifts of snow. The horses floundered. Mother and son lost all sense of direction. They had to keep going somehow. Eventually, too cold and too exhausted to go on, Herbie sank down into the snow and lay still. And then Mother Vandeman felt the solid wall of the house.