Beginning of the End
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Satan emerged the winner in the Garden of Eden—or so he thought. He had succeeded in tempting a third of the angels in heaven to become enemies of God. Now he had led the first humans to disobey God. He was on a roll. From that point on, pain, suffering and death would fill this world.
But it would not always be so. A Redeemer would take on Himself the penalty we humans deserve. God, Himself, would become “one of us” but without sin. Jesus would pay your penalty and mine so that we could inherit eternal life in His kingdom.
A Redeemer would come! The plan had been in place before the creation of Earth. Now it was time to begin to implement it. God recruited some imperfect, yet teachable, followers to spread the news: Noah, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, David and others. From the very first day sin entered our world God’s love and grace fought against it. What Satan thought of as a victory was really a defeat. The first day of sin on earth marked the beginning of the end for Satan and sin.
The Beginning of the End, is an adaptation of Patriarchs and Prophets. It is the first volume in a five-book series approved by the White Estate that will bring the clear messages of the Conflict of the Ages set to a new generation of readers. Biblical texts unless otherwise noted are taken from the New King James Version. Share the great truths of the original volumes in a more accessible format for twenty-first-century readers.