The Judgment and Assurance
This powerful and comprehensive book will help believers become assured and balanced Christians, able to understand and explain the biblical teachings on judgment and assurance.
Obedience to this law is not a means to obtain salvation, but a means by which we show we are saved.
Always Prepared
Always Prepared poses twenty questions that answer in large part the overarching question, Why am I a Seventh-day Adventist? The co-editors have assembled a distinguished group of scholars and theologians who skillfully probe and provide sound answers to these questions.
Angel Stories of the Bible
Author Madge Haines Morrill re-tells stories of the Bible where angels played important roles in the lives of humans. These stories will be enjoyed by all ages and would be a great book for families to read on Sabbath.
Angel Stories of the Bible reminds us that we are not alone on this earth.
Angel Wars
In this book you will learn about a cosmic conflict that overshadows anything we human beings can imagine. The Angel Wars are more vivid, more real, than anything we might see on a movie screen, and it’s documented in the Bible.
Archangel examines the interesting and intimate interplay between humans and angels throughout Scripture and demonstrates that we are not alone in our struggles. Armies of angels are ready and willing to come to our aid. The author challenges us to open our eyes to the angels and their role in the ongoing war between good and evil while sharing the complete plan of redemption in a non-threatening way.
The Art of Bible Counseling
The Art of Bible Counseling is a series of studies dedicated to parents, ministers, doctors, teachers, and youth leaders. Elder Coon shares sound counseling techniques based on Biblical principles, and sets them forth in seven general concepts, including The Source of Wisdom, Christianity Means Joy, and much more.
The Art of Bible Counseling will be a help to anyone who ministers to troubled souls.
Astronomy and the Bible
The universe is not a mere jumble of suns and worlds, a freak of chance operating blindly through the undirected laws of nature. The omnipotent hand of God is behind all of His works and His infinite intelligence is directing every star and world and all of the forces of nature in earth and sea and sky.
Baptism Through the Centuries
Throughout the history of the Christian faith, baptism has been viewed as significant. But considerable debate has taken place regarding the actual details: who should be baptized, what the ritual means, and the process of the baptism itself. This book is a fascinating look at the history of baptism.
The Battle For Freedom
Join Dr. Erwin Gane, editor of the adult lesson quarterlies, in a “how-to” survey of the exciting book of Galatians. What many have ignored as purely theological distinctions will prove vital practicalities. The Battle for Freedom—read it and be on the winning side.
Behold the Lamb
Have students of prophecy failed to understand the place of the Lamb of God in the prophecies of Revelation? Have they lost sight of the essence of the book?
Belief and Work of Seventh-day Adventists
With his characteristic freshness and vigor, the author has brought together the outstanding teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in these pages. In so doing his purpose has not been to present a creed, but to bring to the public mind a clear and understanding view of the beliefs and purposes of this fast growing movement.
The Benefits of Belief
In Benefits of Belief, Dr. Julian Melgosa uses research and personal stories to reveal the amazing benefits everyone can obtain from following the Lord’s ways and living the Christian life. Jesus promises that anyone who follows Him will receive “a hundredfold now” (Mark 10:30). Dr. Melgosa believes it is reasonable to think that these blessings are not exclusively material, but are also related to the exercise of wisdom, resilience, and endurance that ultimately translate into good health, happiness, and well-being.
Beyond Death's Door
Beyond Death's Door examines the Bible and science for the truth about the afterlife--and discovers that one of the first lies told humanity has been taught as gospel truth for thousands of years.
Bible Questions Answered
In this little book, author Ivan Crawford answers questions from his regular column in “The Signs of the Times,” about God’s Law, about God’s Sabbath, about God’s Church, about Christian conduct and about the hereafter.
The Body of Christ
This thought-provoking book challenges those who call themselves “God’s people” to examine their current understanding of the church and to prayerfully consider their roles as part of the body of Christ.
The Book That Would Not Go Away
The incredible story of how God preserved His word throughout the ages.
A Brief History of God's Love
Discover the beauty of the greatest story ever told in A Brief History of God’s Love. You’ll find out about the war that split heaven, watch God birth the earth and its inhabitants, discover what went wrong in Eden, and join our human ancestors as they struggle against the powers of darkness on their epic journey to redemption through the promised Messiah.
Brothers of The King
Doctrine is the framework of religion, and without it there can be no church. But doctrine is not the life; doctrine is only the skeleton, the flesh, the form. Through that form of the church, through its arteries and veins, into all its tissues, there must flow the love which is the life of God.
In Brothers of the King, Arthur W. Spalding examines the character traits of the members within the church of Christ, and shows that it is only by the entrance of the loving Christ, that we can ever become full members in the church God calls His own.
The Challenge of the 20th Century
This book invites the reader to experience the miracle of the Bible throughout the ages and its great power to make things new, as well as today.
Challenges to the Remnant
On July 10, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI reasserted the absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Church when he approved a document stating that Protestant churches were not ³true churches² and therefore did not have the 'means of salvation.' Not surprisingly, this created a stir among other Christians including Seventh-day Adventists.
The Character Of God Controversy
Does God punish sinners? A closer look at the intense love and justice of God Almighty.
Charisma of the Spirit
Does modern tongues speaking exactly reproduce the Pentecostal experience of the early Christian church? Are “tongues” the same as foreign languages? These and many other fascinating questions find clear answers in Charisma of the Spirit.
Chasing Heaven to Avoid Hell
Are you hoping to get into heaven to avoid hell? Many Christians are. The author of this book contends that our fear of God, which is based upon false claims by the devil, is the root of this problem. Learn what God’s real attitude to sinners is.
Christ Our Righteousness
This book stresses the meaning of the fundamental doctrine of righteousness by faith as it was emphasized at the historic Minneapolis General Conference of 1888.
Christianity Makes Sense
If you have not yet examined, truly examined, the evidence that has led millions to believe that Christianity makes sense, you will be convinced as you read simple, step-by-step avenues through which God reaches out to man and man reaches out to his God.
The Close of Probation
God has been offering grace and transformation to sinful people for the past six thousand years, and He’s still offering them to us. But time is running out. Probation will end soon, and then God’s offer will be gone forever. “Now is the day of salvation.”
The Coming Age of Peace
Ralph Blodgett explains the millennium in light of the pre-millennialist view. He clearly outlines the events that will take place at the beginning, during and end of the millennium.
The Coming of the Comforter
Answers some of the most vital questions concerning the Holy Spirit. What is the difference between a prick of conscience and the promptings of the Holy Spirit? What are the conditions of being filled with the Spirit? Find out in this book.
Covenant In Blood
Simply and clearly, Dr. Hasel introduces his readers to the profound meaning of the biblical covenants—God’s gracious arrangement with men and women, signed in blood.
Creation, Catastrophe, and Calvary
Chapters by leading Adventist scholars provide an in depth biblical and geological analyses of issues related to the biblical creation and flood narratives.
The Creed That Changed the World
This inspiring book on the ancient and famous Apostles’ Creed, builds the Creed’s twelve articles into a framework of belief rich in meaning for all Christians.
The Cross of Christ
At the heart of Christianity is the issue of sin and atonement. Knight addresses such crucial topics as God’s justice, the human response to salvation, and God’s solution for reversing the consequences of sin.
The Cry of A Lonely Planet
This addition to the Heritage collection looks at the "why" in the world around us; wars, crime, death, disasters, and false prophets. And most importantly, why this lonely planet is full of tears—and what God intends to do about it.
The Danger Within
Vasquez’s research proves that the New Age is far more than psychics and channelers, crystals and horoscopes. It is a sinister conspiracy to penetrate the minds, homes, and lives of unsuspecting Christians and set them up for Satan’s final grand deception.
Dark Tunnels and Bright Lights
What really happens when a person dies? Where can we find an authoritative source for understanding death?
Decade of Destiny
Decade of Destiny, by George E. Vandeman, probes the explosive issues of the upcoming changes in the world and investigates the many ways we have suffered serious loss in our society, despite all our technological advances.
Decoding Bible Prophecy
This sharing book is about understanding what the Bible prophets said, especially apocalyptic prophets like Daniel and John the Revelator. It is about knowing how to read those prophecies and make sense of some difficult passages in the Bible. You will learn principles of interpretation, the meaning of a number of apocalyptic symbols, and important hints regarding major time prophecies.
Does God Care?
“Why does a loving God permit pain and suffering?” How often this question is asked!
The End of the World
In this little book you’ll discover big things. Whether we like it or not, according to The Holy Bible, “the end of the world” is fast approaching. The unprecedented increase in killer natural disasters – more in 2011 alone than in the entire decade of the 1980’s screams loudly: The end is almost here.
End-Time Events and The Last Generation
In this probing book George Knight explores many questions.
Enlightened By the Spirit
Has the power failed in your life? In your church? If so, your greatest need is to reconnect with the awesome, stupendous power of the Holy Spirit.
We know too little about this wonderful Teacher, Friend, and Guide. This book will acquaint you with this incredible source of spiritual life.
The Essential Jesus
What if . . . . . . the biblical records of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection were merely the "wishful thinking of the early church"? . . . Jesus wasn't the divine-human Savior of sinful humanity, but instead a Jewish sage, a religious genius, a misguided visionary or a magician? . . . people of faith the world over are praying to a Jesus who isn't there?
Faith and Science
In Faith and Science, the author indicates, in a sensible and uncomplicated manner, that there is a working relationship between science and religion.
Fully Alive
In a style fresh, yet tested by years of study and experience, Elder Shuler sets forth in this book, with his usual directness and simplicity, how men and women find acceptance with God, both now and in the judgment.
Getting Back to the Heart of Adventism
Each of us has a part to play. We must resist the two dangers facing us: complacency and worldly-mindedness on the one hand, and compromise and syncretism on the other.
Give Us Peace
"Men cannot manufacture peace. Human plans for the purification and uplifting of individuals or of society will fail of producing peace, because they do not reach the heart. The only power that can create or perpetuate true peace is the grace of Christ."
Glossolalia Book 1
This book examines the gift of tongues, its history, and its place in the church as outlined in the Bible.
Glossolalia Book 2
Glossolalia Book 2 continues to explore the deeper mysteries of the gift of tongues and asks the question “who really controls it?”
God For Us
In this, his second book on the Gospel of John, Jim Gilley's down-to-earth writing style handles the timeless truths from John's Gospel in ways that touch our lives in the twenty-first century. The reader will discover the attributes of a true disciple-humility, loyalty, and love. God For Us also looks at John 17 - "the most beautiful and complete prayer of Jesus found anywhere in Scripture."
God is My Captain
There is a vast difference between a belief in God and believing God. Most people have a belief in God, but few actually believe Him. Once the difference is understood and internalized, true religion becomes both logical and reasonable.
The God We Worship
The Bible serves primarily as God's revelation about Himself. Presented in concise and simple language, is a biblical analysis on the theme of the Deity. The reader will see multiple stories by which the Lord presented Himself to those who were to represent Him as servant-leaders among his people—and as heaven's spokespersons before the nations.
God With Us
John the beloved disciple goes beyond the other Gospels to reveal the deity of Jesus Christ. In this book we see Jesus Christ revealed as God in the flesh to a nation that rejects Him and to scores of individuals who accept Him as Lord and Savior.
God's Character and the Last Generation
God’s Character and the Last Generation is a serious attempt to review the relationship between the role of God’s salvation work and the human response.
God's Gift In Time
Dr. Walter Thompson has written a small sharing book about the Sabbath, and what a gift it is to the human race, reminding us that there are signs all around of God's amazing love for His children, and that the best evidence is God's Gift in Time.
God? Really?
Defending God against the objections of science is much easier than defending Him against the damage believers themselves have inflicted on His reputation. There are interpretations of the Bible that portrays God more like a violent psychopath than a loving God one would wish to exist. This book shares some of the author’s personal journey through some of the most difficult questions you can ask about the God of the Bible.
The Golden Chain
This volume presents the panorama of salvation and the way of eternal life offered to every human being. Here is a beautiful, devotional message portraying the love of God for lost man.
Gospel Showdown
What can you do about the kid who keeps jumping in mud puddles? Keep forever cleaning him up? Take away his desire to jump in mud puddles? Take away the mud puddles? To decide, maybe a Gospel Showdown—Old West Style—is in order.
The Grace Pipeline
Shelly Quinn reveals that grace is the living power of God's love, producing holiness in His children. The Grace Pipeline will help readers recognize God's gifts of grace, enabling them to understand the effects of grace on their heart and mind.
Have You Ever Been Lost?
In the Bible we find hope for the wanderer, hope for the restless soul who is looking for something more. There is assurance here in a world of so much uncertainty. In this book we will look at Luke 15 and see that we do not need to feel lost. We can be found and live a life of assurance!
He Made Planet Earth
Air, water, sunlight, food, the dome of heaven above, and the earth beneath—we take it all for granted. But, come to think of it, our whole world is uniquely adapted for our habitation.
Heaven's Open Door
In Heaven’s Open Door, author Erwin R. Gane seeks to consider the seals of Revelation in relation to the ministry of our heavenly High Priest.
Hello Neighbor
Perhaps you have asked, Who are Seventh-day Adventists? What do they believe? And you have the right to ask. This little booklet will try and answer some of your questions and introduce you to your Adventist friends.
Helpings for the Heart
The author understood that stories have the power to make people stop, listen, think, and even laugh.
Heralds of New Light
Will God ever send another prophet to the Seventh-day Adventist church? This question was increasingly being raised as Ellen White’s life drew to a close, and some people still wonder.
How Jesus Treated People
How Jesus treated people while here in earth is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding studies possible. So enjoy considering again -as you read this book- how Jesus treated sinners, women, religious leaders, the common people, and others. And in reading, learn again how He feels about you."
How To Think About The End Time
Avoid the trap of end-time hype and disappointment. Moore insists that "this is not a book to tell people what to think." Rather it is an appeal for how to think about the end time in ways that are balanced, scriptural, and free from unfounded sensationalism.
Hypnosis: is it for you?
Many today are being healed by a treatment known as hypnotherapy. Sounds fascinating, doesn’t it? Can hypnotherapy be used for all types of physical and mental problems? According to enthusiastic proponents, this approach to health can be effective in treating virtually any situation.
I Hope
Faith – Life – Church – World
A collection of editorials, essays and stories to encourage your faith, challenge your life, grow your church and change your world.
In Search of a Soul
In this book you will find clear, Bible-based answers for your most perplexing questions about life, death, heaven, and hell.
Is Death for Real?
In this book, Jack W. Provonsha, a Seventh-day Adventist minister, former missionary, physician, and teacher, explores questions such as, What does the Bible teach about death, the soul and the resurrection?
Is Salvation Really Free?
In Is Salvation Really Free? The author, with amazing clarity, addresses such questions as, Why must the Christian always give grace the first place? What is sin? How is it remedied? What is justification? What does the term sanctification mean?
Is This Living
The author addresses the three different types of euthanasia as well as the moral, medical and legal issues surrounding it.
The Jehovah's Witnesses
This booklet examines three key Jehovah’s Witness doctrines: Salvation in Christ, the nature of Christ, and the second coming of Christ. It also answers other important questions.
Jesus Face to Face
As you read these pages, as you travel with us in your imagination to Israel, it’s our prayer that you will meet Jesus.
Judgment and Assurance
This powerful and comprehensive book will help believers become assured and balanced Christians, able to understand and explain the biblical teachings on judgment and assurance.
Let's Get Acquainted
If you have ever wondered who Seventh-day Adventists are and what they believe, this booklet will introduce you to this dynamic fellowship of Christians.
Letters From a Lonely Isle
Join Pastor Finley as he travels to fascinating sites in Turkey and on the Isle of Patmos.
Life After Death
Answers to questions about life after death, and how to provide hope instead of despair. By examining the truths of scriptures, Life After Death promises that goodbyes don’t have to be final.
Life Begins With God
Written especially for young men and women, Life Begins With God, by Merlin L. Neff, discusses a variety of topics that will appeal to young minds that are anxious to find the basis of true happiness and the foundation for a noble, sterling character.
Link of Love
The author of this little book clearly sets forth evidence that the keeping of the seventh day Sabbath is inseparably linked with the true worship of the Father and the Son and should be kept by all true worshipers.
Living 28: Fresh Perspectives on Practising Our Faith
Knowing what you believe is helpful. Living what you believe is transformational.
How can the truths expressed Seventh-day Adventist Church’s fundamental beliefs make a practical difference in your life?
A collection of 29 contemporary writers from Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific share fresh and relevant, thoughtful and faithful, inspiring and—at times—challenging perspectives that will revive your faith and how you practise it. Each chapter includes questions for group discussion or personal reflection.
How can the truths expressed Seventh-day Adventist Church’s fundamental beliefs make a practical difference in your life?
A collection of 29 contemporary writers from Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific share fresh and relevant, thoughtful and faithful, inspiring and—at times—challenging perspectives that will revive your faith and how you practise it. Each chapter includes questions for group discussion or personal reflection.
Living With Death
The author will show the reader that even in the hour of deep bereavement or crushing disappointment God’s peace may flow into the soul of His trusting child, bringing strength in place of weakness and victory instead of apparent defeat.
The Living Witness
The Living Witness contains Signs articles by representative writers, whose names have become familiar to Signsreaders through the years, from James White to Arthur S. Maxwell.
Longing for Home
This is a book about heaven, the ultimate answer to homesickness. This longing for a home began thousands of years ago—almost at the beginning of time. Home was perfect at first, but things quickly broke down, and people have been longing ever since. Discover in this book what the Bible teaches about heaven.
Looking For a City: Briefings for Pilgrims on Their Journey Home
God’s people—pilgrims—are still finding their way through a mad world, navigating the chaos of militant atheism, evolutionary theory, lies dressed as doctrine, confusion, and the pain of loss and suffering.
Looking for God in all the Wrong Places
Few find the God that they are seeking. Where is He? Why do they come up so empty-handed in their search? Looking for God in all the Wrong Places focuses attention on the right place to find Him.
Love Found a Way
A thoughtful yet very readable look at the great controversy theme, who the originator of death is, and God's plan to solve the sin problem.
Love In Three Words
This little book is a thoughtful explanation of the importance of the Trinity. The author shows the reader that it is never enough merely to understand this doctrine.
The Lucifer Files
In a background narrative to the “files”. The author lays bare the whole great controversy theme. You will begin to understand the real nature of the rebellion.
Luke, a Plagiarist?
This is a “must” book for anyone who is concerned about the nature of inspiration, whether it be the inspiration of a Bible writer or the inspiration of Ellen G. White.
Mary Kennedy's Victory
Mary Kennedy’s Victory is a book about faith and truth. All her life, Mary was religious and thought she was following God, but when she was faced with serious questions, she chose to accept Bible truth above her religious traditions, to her victory.
The Ministry of Angels
“Though we are unable to understand the nature of angels, though their existence is surrounded with unfathomable mystery, and though they dwell in the light and glory of the throne of God, yet we do know that they are created beings, and that they were created by the same God who created man.”
A More Excellent Ministry
First published in 1912 and republished as a Heritage Classic, A More Excellent Ministry by E. E. Andross seeks to shed light upon the ancient sanctuary service and how it stood as a type and anti-type to the priesthood of Christ in His heavenly sanctuary, from His crucifixion to His coming.
More Than Harps of Gold
The author weaves Adventist beliefs concerning end-time events into a story about a teenage girl. The story culminates with the trip to heaven.
The Mystery of Conciousness
The great question of the ages might well be “If a man die, shall he live again?” Today the question gathers to an urgency heightened by intimations that our society may not survive. We need the assurance that life and consciousness transcend the human organism.
A New Kind of Life!
In A New Kind of Life!, by author Kenneth J. Holland sets forth principles that teach us how to have a living relationship with God.
The Other Side of Orion
What will you do in Paradise? Just think of the opportunities that you will have! The joys of the new earth will rival that of Eden.
Our Lord's Prayer
As we consider the Lord’s Prayer, we shall seek to find practical help that will guide us in approaching God, to learn what we should bring to God in prayer.
Out of Darkness, LIGHT!
This book is Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome in contemporary language based on the original Koine Greek text. It is translated and paraphrased by Richard A. Swaney.
Pictures of Jesus
Everyone loves a good story, and today's readers are no exception. David Smith retells many of the parables of Jesus in modern-day settings to help the reader better understand what they meant to the people of Galilee, and what they mean for us today.
Popcorn, the Pearly Gates, and other kernals of truth
You will find scattered throughout these pages, kernels of truth and inspiration that will encourage you along the road to the kingdom. Take a few moments to refresh your mind and heart with a handful of Popcorn, the Pearly Gates, and Other Kernels of Truth.
Power For A Finished Work
Is the deepest longing in your heart to go through to eternal victory?God's Holy Spirit is leading His people into needed repentance, revival and reformation. we must have the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit as an early-rain experience that will prepare the way for the latter rain.
The Power of a Promise
The Power of a Promise is the story of God’s love, faithfulness, and commitment to save fallen humanity.
Present Truth and the Three Angel's Messages
Does God have a specific message for His people living in what feels like Earth’s last days? Yes! Learn where to find this “present truth,” what it means, and why it is important. Discover the writing on the wall so you’re ready to answer critics and to share the reason for your hope to everyone you meet.
Profetas de la crisis venidera (Espanol)
Profetas de la crisis venidera expone por qué las publicaciones serán decisivas en la evangelización en el tiempo del fin; y cómo, al compartirlas, usted puede colaborar en el cumplimiento de la profecía.
The Promise of the Father
The Promise of the Father by Charles H. Watson is based on the theme in its title, the promise of the Father given to us as an expression of God’s gracious love toward the children of men in the form of the Holy Spirit.
The Promise
What is man’s responsibility in salvation? What kind of works must he do to please God? The Promise provides answers to these questions and powerfully illuminates God’s gracious arrangement with men and women, signed in blood.
Prophecy's Answer to Philosophy's Confusion
This book gives us an answer that is surprisingly powerful, an answer that does not ignore history or science, yet points to the reality of God in ways that withstand any scrutiny. One of the first disciples of Jesus invited his friend to meet the Master with the words “Come and see” (John 1:46). This is the idea. Whether you are wrestling with the question of God’s existence or have decided that God is merely a “god,” this book beckons, “Come and see.”
The Prophetic Gift in the Gospel Church
Why is the gift of prophecy not manifested among the Lord’s people today? Could it be that the end draws near and the Lord will not speak directly to His children to prepare them? The Prophetic Giftpresents an answer.
Psychic Roulette
Who are the unseen players in our psychic game? Just how thin is psychic ice? Are we gambling with the operator of a giant psychic put-on? And is it dangerous?
Questions and Answers about Women's Ordination
In Questions and Answers About Women's Ordination, Martin Hanna, PhD and Cindy Tutsch, Dmin take an indepth look at this much discussed issue of women's ordination in the Seventh-day Adventist church.
Questions and Answers About Women's Ordination (Spanish)
In Questions and Answers About Women's Ordination, Martin Hanna, PhD and Cindy Tutsch, Dmin take an indepth look at this much discussed issue of women's ordination in the Seventh-day Adventist church. Formatted in a question and answer format, you will find this book a concise resource as you study this issue.
The Radical Teachings of Jesus
Jesus ignored human traditions and presented His listeners with God's truth. Discover some of the radical ideas He taught that defied conventional wisdom and customs then--and that continue to do so today.
Rags to Righteousness
Righteousness by faith is a topic for consideration in the ranks of thoughtful Christians everywhere. May this cherished theme be our study now and forever. This very readable and interesting book is designed to assist the reader in experiencing the grace of Christ.
Reach Out for Life
This book offers the reader a Source of peace and reassurance. Here are ten life-changing truths from God's Word that can turn chaos into peace.
Ready to Answer
This book has three purposes: First, to encourage you to focus your attention on the certainty of truth; second, to encourage you to embrace fully the Author of truth and to live in utter devotion to Him; and third, to help you become more willing and able to explain your faith.
Real Peace, Real Answers
As we go about our busy days, it's easy to stumble into worry, fear, or depression. Even as we experience the joy in life, we see the pain, the suffering, and the death. Is this all that awaits us in the end?
Reckless Love
Whether exploring them for the first time or you've heard it all before, Reckless Love takes a fresh engaging and practical look at the core beliefs of Seventh-day Adventist Christianity. Much more than a collection of dusty doctrines, these biblical understandings are stories of a God of reckless love and generous grace.
Redemption In Genesis
In Redemption in Genesis, John S. Nixon looks for Jesus in the Bible’s beginning, and draws new, refreshing lessons from the familiar, well-rehearsed stories in Genesis. Examining them more carefully will reveal that Jesus Christ fulfills all the requirements of righteousness, that He exhibits all the graces of God, that He is the ultimate meaning of Eden’s lamb, Noah’s ark, and Abraham’s ram in the thicket. Through the filter of Jesus Christ, even the metaphors and symbols of Genesis reveal redemption anew as that which compels us to complete self-abandonment and reliance on Him.
Rescue From Beyond Orion
In this little book, the author, using scripture as the only authority, answers important questions about the Second Coming. This book would be great to give to family, neighbors, and friends.
Revelation's Three Greatest Mysteries
In this book, authors Mark Finley and Steven Mosley discuss how Satan uses deception to cause people to hate instead of love and ultimately lead them away from Christ.
Revisiting The Sanctuary
Dr. Roy Adams responds to objections to the Adventist understanding of the sanctuary raised by the late Dr. Raymond F. Cottrell. He grapples with the question: Is the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary a biblical teaching or a baseless fabrication? In answering this question, Adams carefully counters Cottrell’s criticisms and goes on to highlight the prophecy’s grand themes of justice, mercy, and the assurance of salvation.
From the point of view of Christianity: “Sin causes death. Not some theological death in a dusty doctrinal textbook somewhere but a real flesh-and-blood death that hurts. The Hebrew saw a real animal die by his own hand. Each of us needs to realize that ‘My sin caused Jesus to die on the cross.’”
Science Discovers God
Does God exist? This question simply will not go away—and science itself is providing the answer. Ariel A. Roth, scientist and Christian believer, examines key issues related to the “God question.”
Searching for the God of Grace
There’s a glorious treasure - free, inexhaustible, valuable beyond measure, yet refused, ignored, trampled on, locked up, and buried. This is the story of that treasure.
See Beyond
"In See Beyond, Clifford Goldstein takes a careful and critical look at our world today and asks the most important—and obvious—question, 'Where can we find hope?' What he finds and shares is a different way of looking at the world around us and at ourselves, beyond what we can see, measure or assume. See Beyond is an engaging and important book, offering us a vital and urgent choice."—Geoff Youlden, presenter, Beyond the Search
Shall We Gather at the Potluck? A Heartwarming Look at the Church I Love
A tongue-in-cheek commentary on everything from hairy theological issues to hoary church traditions that will add a charming glow to the warts and blemishes of the saints.
Should We Ever Say "I'm Saved"?
If you long to be a happy child of God, delivered from doubt and filled with faith, this book is a must-read.
Show and Tell
Show and Tell prescribes the ultimate prevention for floundering faith—brushing daily with the “Bible truth-brush.” It points to the great controversy theme as the framework of the Scriptures and uses examples from the life of Jesus to illustrate how to identify and deal with doctrinal errors.
Signs of Hope
In a world in which life is no longer sacred, hunger and poverty are rampant, and natural disasters are worse than ever before, people find themselves hoping against hope that things will get better. Is there actually a rational explanation for the horrific events that take place each and every day? And is there anything that could save us from this mess? Alejandro Bullón tackles these and other daunting questions and discovers that the crisis in which we’ve found ourselves is itself a sign of hope pointing to the second coming of Jesus.
Simply Put
Amid the noise and confusion in our world, God has been speaking quietly for a few thousand years now—and waiting patiently for us to pay attention. This book outlines 28 of the fundamental concepts God’s been communicating to us all this time.
Speaking Well of God
Our task in this age of unparalleled scientific and intellectual achievement—as well as rapid and constant change—is to make clear what faith in Jesus Christ means, what is involved in saying, “I believe in God.”
Straight Thinking in the Age of Exotic Beliefs
America used to be called a Christian nation, but today’s Christian is bombarded with secular humanism, reincarnation, scores of new cults, astrology, spiritualism, and the New Age movement.
Strangers In The Land
The Edict of Nantes had been revoked, and the Huguenots were no longer free to practice their religion. Anyone who refused to convert would be imprisoned, and the dragoons had orders to kill anyone who tried to escape. Journey with Pierre and his family as they defy the law to worship their God, regardless of whatever consequences they ultimately face.
A Suitcase Full of Faith
This little book lifts up the teachings about faith that are found in the Bible.
Sure Salvation
Our salvation is sure in Christ. Our Savior is our only source of salvation. The purpose of this book is not to comfort the sinners in Zion, nor to wink at known sin. God forbid!
The Team
And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: John 17:22 (NKJ).
Ten Who Left
What better way to find out when members leave than to ask them? In Ten Who Left, that is just what Fred Cornforth and Tim Lale have done. Each of these "exit interviews" concludes with questions for discussion or reflection.
The Ten: Blessings for the Here and Now
In The Ten, you’ll find out when God gave the Ten Commandments to His people—and why it matters. You’ll also discover why He gave them (hint: it wasn’t to assert arbitrary control over people). Then, unwrapping the Ten Commandments one by one, you will see how each one reveals God and His priceless, practical gifts packaged within them.
That They May Be One
That They May Be One is a book about the Lord’s Supper. From the simple ceremony of the Lord’s Supper, we can get glimpses of heaven’s unsearchable riches.
The Battle For You
God’s Word is the revelation of a grand story. The chronicle of a battle between evil and redemption. It’s the only story that really matters.
The Future Unfolded
Mr. Sharfstein, a skeptic and unbeliever, was curious and decided to attend the strange lectures given by Mr. Bergman. In this book, you will hear the dialogue of that meeting between skeptic and once skeptic, now turned believer.
The Last Warning Message and Other Bible Lectures
One of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s most effective early evangelists, Charles T. Everson inspired generations of people with his powerful teaching. Five of his most requested messages have been turned into essays so that you can experience these vital messages for yourselves.
The Sanctuary Service
In this Seventh-day Adventist classic, the author probes the meaning of Jesus Christ as our substitutionary sacrifice and our High Priest in the heavenly courts.
The Teachings of Jesus Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2014
The Teachings of Jesus explores what Jesus communicated about His Father, about salvation, about the Sabbath, and much more. Through both His words and His actions, Jesus introduced His disciples to the principles of the kingdom of heaven. By studying His teachings, we, too, can begin to understand those truths and catch a glimpse of what God wants for us and what He empowers us to become.
The Trinity
The authors, each a specialist in his field, trace the doctrine of the Trinity through Scripture, church history, and the writings of Ellen G. White
This We Believe
In this challenging and highly readable book, two respected Bible scholars, also committed Christians, set forth what they—and their fellow Seventh-day Adventist Church members—believe about God’s revelation from their own search for truth.
The Thought Makers
This book clearly exposes the deadly errors of three major philosophical systems espoused by millions—Darwinian evolution, Freudian psychology, and Marxist communism.
Three Angels, One Gospel
With remarkable clarity, Ángel Rodríquez masterfully unveils the message of a loving Savior that permeates the warnings of judgment, the fall of Babylon the Great, and the extermination of the enigmatic beast. Christ, the slain Lamb, is the focal point.
Time for the Messiah
The author shows how Creation, sin, the sanctuary service, and Christ all testify to a soon coming day when “nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.”
This book follows both logical sequence and time sequence, taking into account every instance where “tongues” were used and recorded among the early believers.
Treasures in the Sand
In Treasures in the Sand, author Orley Berg chronicles how these and other treasures—unearthed from Holy Land sand—continue to confirm the credibility of God’s Word.
Truth or Propaganda
Truth or Propaganda is a compilation of It Is Written telecast scripts that search out the roots of the Christian faith. The reader will discover a fresh and all-absorbing probe of what happened at Calvary, the reasons for believing Genesis to be the authentic record of our beginnings, and why a revelation lost during the Dark Ages will be rediscovered in the final hours of this world’s history.
Truth Triumphant
Truth Triumphant brings together a comprehensive narrative of the Church in the Wilderness in different countries.
Understanding Creation
"What is Creation theory?" "Can I believe in a word-wide flood?" What about the Dinosaurs?" "Can a Christian be a good scientist?" Understanding Creation will provide answers to these questions and more for those who are interested in reconciling the interface between biblical faith and science.
Understanding the Sanctuary
In Understanding the Sanctuary, discover the huge cost of sin, the importance of confession, the concept of a Substitute, the purpose of the Intercessor, the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus, and much more. Pull back the veil to understand every ritual and element of the sanctuary and its associated services, feasts, and festivals. Emerge with a clear understanding of the sanctuary’s place among the Israelites and its importance for God’s people today.
Unfinished Business with the Dead
As you read Unfinished Business With the Dead, you will find amazing new courage to face the future.
The Voice of the Spirit
In a religious setting marked by individual interpretation of doctrines and prophecies, The Voice of the Spirit brings clear thinking to the discussion of the gift of prophecy - and a fresh, new sense of faith born out of careful reflection on the subject.
Waiting and Longing
We want to see Jesus--and we want to see Him now! We are anxious for Jesus to take us home. Pastor Randy Roberts shows us how to live as believers preparing to meet the Savior whenever He comes . . . Today, tomorrow, always.
What About Life After Life?
This little book explores the claims of out of body experiences and what the Bible teaches on this subject. This book would be great for sharing with family and friends.
What Can a Man Believe
This book sets forth a common sense religion, one that can be understood and comprehended by all. It presents in simple language the teachings of the Bible, and makes plain what men are to do. It is a guide to the beginner, and the advanced student will find sufficient material to challenge his best powers.
What Catholics and Protestants Should Know
The Roman Catholic Church has in recent years circulated many booklets and tracts to inform the public concerning its doctrines and practices. These publications, as well as numerous radio speeches and programs, have cheered many persons and probably vexed others.
What We Believe for Guide Readers
What We Believe for Guide Readers has 28 true stories about modern-day Daniels and Esthers who lived what the Bible teaches. Through those stories and the accompanying Bible Studies, learn about the Adventist Church’s 28 fundamental beliefs. Get to know Jesus—and your Church—better than ever before!
What We Believe For Teens
A comprehensive treatment of all twenty-eight Adventist beliefs illustrated with stories that will appeal to teens.
What You Can Know For Sure
Come with us on a journey through these pages and let your heart be filled with security. Discover eternal truths that have brought hope and courage to men and women down through the ages.
When God Said Remember
From Mark Finley on the Sabbath, this small book asks and answers questions about the Bible Sabbath, its origins, its history, and its relevance today. Quantity Pricing Available!
Where Is Bobby Now?
Using a short story to introduce this Bible study about the state of the dead, the author shares helpful aids in discussing this subject with non-Adventist Christians.
While It Is Day
While It Is day by C. J. Ritchie, explores the gospel commission given to the church and the remnant church’s role in spreading the gospel amid the closing scenes of earth’s history.
Why I Try to Believe
An Experiment in Faith, Life and Stubborn Hope
Prompted by a friend’s public experiments with faith and non-faith, Nathan Brown set out to explore his own life-long experiment with trying to believe.
Why I'm An Adventist
In this book, the author invites you to see the Jesus he has found in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. While this book is about the Adventist Church, on its deepest levels it is about Jesus.
Why Jesus Waits
In this potent little book, designed to prepare a people to meet their God, you'll find out why Jesus is waiting--for you.
Why the Cookie Crumbles
God knows best and is still in command even when your life is crumbling apart.
The Window and Other Essays
This little book of stories offers insight and words of wisdom concerning issues that affect your faith in everyday life. This book will give you a different perspective that will test your values and convictions!
The Wonders of Salvation
It’s all yours—happiness forever! Hard to believe? This is the “good tidings of great joy” the angels sang about as Mary laid the Baby of prophecy in the Bethlehem manger. The Lord wants you to know that He wants to save you, if only you will let Him.
Words From Golgotha's Cross
In these meditations, the author moves beyond all the outworks of Christianity to the very heart and power of the Cross.
Your Adventist Neighbors
How about a quick tour of places where Adventists live and carry on their work? And also a bit of briefing on what makes an Adventist tick?