52 Sabbath Activities for Teens
Here are 52 activities to make Sabbath special for teens. Each activity section provides step-by-step instructions and tells what preparation and materials are needed and the minimum time required for the activity. A valuable resource for youth leaders, teachers, and pastors.
52 Things to do on Sabbath
This book offers practical suggestions for Sabbath activities to make the day a delight for both adults and children.
African American Seventh-day Adventist Healers in a Multicultural Society
This collection of essays features the experience of black Seventh-day Adventist healers and preachers through the painful history of racial and social discrimination; it chronicles their struggles and showcases their love for their church and fellow human beings and the profound influence of their faith.
A Day for Healing
A Day for Healing examines these miracles with the intent of helping Sabbath-keepers understand what Jesus was trying to teach us, and to demonstrate what the Sabbath is─and what it is not.
A Family Guide to Sabbath Nature Activities
“What can we do on Sabbath?” This question is raised all too often by both children and parents. This book is a guide to help you answer the question.
From Sundown to Sundown
If you need help in revitalizing your Sabbaths and understanding the principles of Sabbath-keeping, this book is for you.
The Gift: What the Sabbath means to me
The gift of the Sabbath addresses our deepest and most basic needs: rest, fellowship, belonging, spiritual nourishment, and direction. This collection of personal stories and reflections from 168 writers from around the world bids us, “Come and see.”
Latter-day Saints and the Sabbath
First published in 1971 and rereleased as a Heritage Classic, Latter-day Saints and the Sabbath, describes the beginnings of the Latter Day Saints movement and the history of the Sabbath within their church.
The Lord's Day
To all the seeking souls who prefer the Word of the eternal God of truth to the ever-changing traditions of fallible men, this little book is prayerfully dedicated by the author.
Lovely Lord of the Lord's Day
This book, Lovely Lord of the Lord's Day, is written with the prayer that the reader will learn the philosophy of our Lord as seen in the Sabbath. We must if we are to enter into its rare delight and find that the entire life is imbued with the principles of heaven.
The Magnificent Seventh
In this little book, the author writes about the Sabbath day as a day of joy for all Christians. He writes about the relevance and history of it and how we should apply this magnificent day to our lives.
Making Sabbath Special
Popular author Céleste perrino Walker provides ample evidence that Sabbath is more than a day with a list of “don’ts” extending from one sunset to the other. We’ve got something to celebrate!
Rediscovering the Glory of the Sabbath
Seventh-day Adventists have rightly focused on which day is the biblical Sabbath. However, there is a lot more to discover about the true Sabbath than just knowing the correct day. Its glorious nature needs to be restored!
The Sabbath and the Sabbath Day
What is the Sabbath to you? Is it an obligation or a job? Is it a nuisance? In The Sabbath and the Sabbath Day, Arthur W. Spalding wishes to convey to Seventh-day Adventists, especially Seventh-day Adventist young people what the Sabbath really is and what the Sabbath day is really for.
The Safest Place on Earth
The Safest Place on Earth shares practical principles of living life to the absolute fullest in the midst of today’s pressures. It reveals God’s ultimate answer to anxiety.
The Saturday-Sunday Shuffle
If it’s only a question of Saturday or Sunday—the seventh day of the week or the first—it isn’t worth discussing. Sincere Christians observe both days. But if it’s a question of “the truth that is in Jesus” (Ephesians 4:2), that would make a difference.
The Sign
Learn about God's sign of love and loyalty, a day to step away from your noisy, hectic life. Come explore with Pastor Boonstra the joys of the Sabbath.
The Early Christian Sabbath
The Early Christian Sabbath will uncover the truth of the Sabbath and how tradition has sought to accomplish its unauthorized work upon the Sabbath of Jesus and the apostles.
The Everlasting Relevance of the Sabbath
The Everlasting Relevance of the Sabbath shows from the Bible that the seventh-day Sabbath has a rich and permanent meaning as a memorial of Creation and God’s gift of holy time to humanity. Moreover, as a moral imperative from God, it will play a major role in earth’s final events.
When God Made Rest
When God Made Rest, offers an explanation into the design and purpose of the Sabbath Commandment. The author shows that we need God’s law, but we are not saved through that law. We’re saved by trusting in Jesus—and that’s the message of the Sabbath.