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100 Creative Worship Ideas for Busy Families
The most important gift we can give our children is the desire to love God and to follow and serve Him. The challenge facing parents today—as never before—is carving out time for daily family worship. 100 Creative Worship Ideas for Busy Families is the answer to that challenge!
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13 Weeks to Love
In 13 Weeks to Love, author and speaker Jennifer Jill Schwirzer shows how to live God’s love and how doing so fulfills the purpose for which He created us. God is love and we, as His image bearers, possess the capacity for love.
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7 Days to Better Discipline
Who’s in charge around your house—you or the kids?“Parents must be in charge in order for their children to grow into mature, responsible men and women,” says Jean Anderson, and she lays out a step-by-step plan that will help you to start turning things around in your home in just one week.

Child Guidance
Covers the essentials of parenting, with chapters on specific building blocks of character, guidance on how to mold the will, reinforce good habits, and conduct effective family worships.
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From Here to Maternity
In From Here to Maternity, Marilyn answers that question and tells the journey she took to find her answer.
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Hope for Today's Families
This small book can help. Its ideas and solutions come from ancient wisdom but are as relevant as today’s news.

Hung Up On Guilt
Did you know that there is good and bad guilt? Discover the difference. You will also learn how to cope with the bad. A practical book parents and singles will find helpful.
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"I've got this problem with sex--"
God gave man the guidelines to follow to become a complete person, not only with emotional but with intellectual, spiritual, and physical capacities.
Is Love Enough?
This book is written especially for young people about to be married and for households everywhere. It discusses the problems of relationships in the home and married life and gives the reader advice on how to deal with these issues, leading to the happiness of all.
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Kids, Teens, and Wives
Kids, Teens, and Wives is a nuts-and-bolts look at what it means to be a dad and husband by an ordinary guy named Dan Day, who is both.
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Loving Is Fundamental
This book is a back–to-basic look at marriage and the family. In its pages you will discover what the Bible teaches about marriage as the author explains the purpose of the marriage commitment from God’s perspective and how you can have a successful marriage rooted in the fundamental principles of love.

Loving Them Back, Leading Them Home
Barry Gane explores the reasons so many young people decide to leave, considers the complexities of the adolescent mind, addresses the stages of faith development, and offers effective strategies for reclaiming missing youth.

Mad About Marriage
“What’s wrecking America’s marriages?” Experts and married couples answer this question. This small booklet will be great for small group studies, as a companion to marriage seminars, or for anyone wanting a better marriage.
Makers of the Home
Divided into twelve sections, this book on life in the home covers topics such as the origin of the home, preparation for marriage and parenthood, economic problems, hygiene, and the home and community.
Mother And Home
A good mother and a good home are God’s greatest gifts. This book is intended to help mothers in their work as part of God’s great plan: helping their children arrive safely to their heavenly home.

Parenting Boot Camp
Parenting Boot Camp gives parents the information they need to be an effective parent of their children. The goal is not to be a "perfect" parent but to have fun, be an effective teacher, and create positive relationships. This book will be useful for conducting seminars and small group studies, as well as a stand-alone guide for parents.

Praying Like Crazy for Your Husband
New from Tamyra Horst, Praying Like Crazy For Your Husband reminds us that prayer changes things. Our prayers impact our husbands and their lives. We can pray for them like no one else can, because we know them like no one else does. Our prayers for our husbands also change us. They enable our love to deepen and grow. If your desire is to be the woman God wants you to be, then start praying like crazy for your husband.
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Real Family Talk
In Real Family Talk, Willie and Elaine Oliver answer questions from real people with problems just like yours on dating, doctrines, infidelity, parenting, and sex--anything and everything relating to relationships.
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The Rod vs. The M&M's
The right mixture of strictness and tolerance, justice and mercy must be found at home and at school. This book offers guidelines to help organize and rationalize what we knew or thought we knew!

Serious About Love
Dr. Kay Kuzma answers the question "Is there really a way to know if someone is right for you?"
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Sometimes I Don't Like My Kids!
More than a book of parental woes, Sometimes I Don’t Like My Kids is a manual of recovery—the recovery of joy in the Lord and in your family.
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Standing On An Earthquake
Author Laurie Wiss, a teenager when her parents separated, has prepared a book-length version of her experience as a kid who must deal with the breakup of her parents.
Sweethearts Again
Using scripture as a guideline, author Glenn A. Coon uses true stories as examples to teach principles that can mend even the most tragically broken relationships.
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Television and the Christian Home
Television and the Christian Home is a summary of the major issues as they relate to the Christian way of life. Television is a threat to the Christian’s relationship with God, just as it is a threat to education and to law and order. But it doesn’t have to be. Used with discretion, it can enhance the Christian life.
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Through Early Childhood
Through Early Childhood was first published in 1930 and rereleased as part of the Heritage Collection. The authors seek to inform the reader on the care and education of children ages three to nine.
Untying the Knot
It’s an exciting moment when one man and one woman are launched together into the swift, moving waters of matrimony—with happiness just downstream. But what do you do if, out in the rapids, the raft comes apart? Author George Vandeman attempts to answer these questions and offers practical solutions.
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We and Our Children
First published in 1967 and re-released as a Heritage Classic, We and Our Children counsels the reader on subjects such as the role of the family, intimacies of married life, the children in the family, laziness and its cure, and many more issues that may come up within the life of a family.
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What My Parents Did Right
As a parent, you try to show your child so many different things. You try to teach your child so many different things. But what is it that they’ll remember the most? You are about to find out. You are about to discover what young people say made the biggest difference in their lives.
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When Parents Get Old
What does one do when circumstances thrust upon us aging parents with their attending ills—declining health, senility, incontinence?
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Where is Thy Flock?
Where Is Thy Flock explores the influences in the home that can enable children to gain the power and wisdom necessary to combat the adversary and protect them against his many charming snares.
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Where is Thy Flock?
Where Is Thy Flock explores the influences in the home that can enable children to gain the power and wisdom necessary to combat the adversary and protect them against his many charming snares.
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Your Family and Your Health
Insights on home and marriage combined with a broad understanding of preventative medicine and healthy living.