Ellen White Life & Work

101 Questions About Ellen G. White
If you could ask one question of Ellen White, what would it be? Elder William Fagal, associate director of the Ellen G. White Estate, provides thought-provoking answers to 101 of the most frequently asked and often most controversial inquiries. He exposes many of the myths that have developed and introduces readers to the real truth about this inspirational author.
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Accepting Ellen White
It is important to note that since 1889, questions over the Seventh-day Adventist understanding of Ellen White and her ministry have continued to appear. In spite of these ongoing controversies, Seventh-day Adventism has continued to defend its understanding of and confirm its belief in the prophetic gift of Ellen White that was affirmed through Bible study and prayer in those early years.
Beginning of the End
The Beginning of the End, is an adaptation of Patriarchs and Prophets. It is the first volume in a five-book series approved by the White Estate that will bring the clear messages of the Conflict of the Ages set to a new generation of readers.
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Can We Know God?
This booklet consists of two chapters from Steps to Christ, a best-selling devotional book which has been read by millions in eighty-six languages. The complete book is available from the publishers.

Christ Triumphant
This daily devotional from the pen of Ellen G. White traces the hand of God from Eden to eternity. The first word, and the last, is that God is love. But in between is pain, perplexity, and heartbreak. How can we understand the ways of God in the world?

Christ's Object Lessons
In the devotional classic, Ellen G. White plumbs the depths of the best-loved teachings of Jesus, offering a deeply spiritual understanding of the parables of Christ as they apply to the life today.

Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White
A personal narrative of her early life, highlighting some of her more important visions.

Desire of Ages Illustrated
This illustrated version of the classic book on the life of Christ is perfect for sharing the story of Jesus with others.
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Dramatic Prophecies of Ellen G. White
This book will rekindle your faith in the Spirit of Prophecy and inspire you to look carefully at those predictions yet to be fulfilled
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Ellen G. White and the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Seventh-day Adventists believe that Ellen G. White exercised a true prophetic gift. They believe that God graciously spoke to her in divine revelations, and that through her, He sent inspired messages to His church.
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Ellen G. White Pocket Dictionary
The Ellen G. White Pocket Dictionary is a simple and ready reference work about the life and writings of Ellen G. White.
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Ellen White and Vegetarianism
It is said that “to err is human,” and this certainly is true of the judgments certain critics of Ellen White have made, claiming that, on the one hand, she urged vegetarianism on Seventh-day Adventists, while on the other, she “secretly” ate meat. This little booklet brings out all the relevant facts and offers a reasonable explanation for these charges.
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The Ellen White Encyclopedia
This masterwork brings together hundreds of articles that describe the people and events in the life of Ellen White, as well as her stand on numerous topics.
Ellen White on Leadership
While Ellen White did not invent the term "servant leadership," she put it to practice in her own life.

Ellen White Under Fire
Dr. Jud Lake provides a comprehensive assessment of Ellen White’s critics, past and present, as well as her defenders, while building confidence in her prophetic gift. Readers will discover that many of the criticisms circulating on the Internet today are not new but have already been answered over a century ago.
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Ellen White's Afterlife
One of the most serious questions ever raised about Ellen White. This book examines this question.

Ellen White's World
This fascinating look at the world in which Ellen White lived provides a deeper appreciating and understanding of her writings. Includes many photographs and drawings illustrating life in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
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Ellen White: Friend of Angels
In Ellen White: Friend of Angels, author and historian Paul Ricchiuti presents Ellen White as a real human being-one who got sick, had pain, cried, laughed, and had close friends and bitter enemies.
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Ellen: Trial And Triumph On The American Frontier
To this day well-meaning but confused persons have too often been responsible for hurtful distortion of a gentle and lovely Christian lady, a true prophet of a loving Father in heaven.
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The Gift of Prophecy
Dr. Pfandl answers questions regarding the prophetic gift and shares many of the blessings that have come to the Seventh-day Adventist Church through the life and ministry of Ellen G. White.
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Glimpses Into the Life of Ellen White
Glimpses Into the Life of Ellen White is filled with fascinating accounts that give a behind-the-scenes look at the life of Ellen White and provide a glimpse of the unseen world.

God Has Promised
Excerpts from the writings of one of the principal founders of Seventh-Day Adventism offer guidance on such problems as loneliness, temptation, discouragement, and loss of faith.

The Heartbeat of Adventism
An invaluable resource and study tool providing the opportunity to study the important theme of the Great Controversy as it is unfolded throughout the prophetic ministry and writings of Ellen White. It will provide readers with the Big Picture from which to frame their quest for truth.
Humble Hero
This is the third volume of a five-volume series adapted by the White Estate that will bring the clear messages of the Conflict of the Ages set to a new generation of readers.
Love Under Fire
This is the fifth and final volume of a five-volume series, adapted by the White Estate, that will bring the clear messages of the Conflict of the Ages set to a new generation of readers.

Meeting Ellen White
This book introduces readers to the fascinating life and role of Ellen White. The author presents a biographical overview of her life and explores the major themes and categories of her works. Especially helpful for new Adventists.
Messenger of the Lord
Messenger of the Lord is a fresh and appealing volume written both for those who are grateful for what Ellen White’s contributions have brought and for those who want to know more about her. Those with unresolved questions about her long ministry will enjoy the candid discussion of issues that have been raised in recent years about her claim to be God’s messenger.
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My Dear Brother M…
A personal letter, eagerly opened. But the opening words cause a trembling of the fingers: “My Dear Brother M: I was shown some things in reference to you.”
A letter from a prophet of God.
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A Nation in God's Hands
In this fast-flowing and comprehensive treatment, author Jud Lake indicates that White’s views, when seen against the backdrop of contemporary events, were both insightful and pertinent. Supported by the well-substantiated understanding in both the North and the South that the civil war was permeated by religious motivations, A Nation in God’s Hands, analyzes White’s war visions in their historical context and provides a theological interpretation of the war through her prophetic lens.

Our Father Cares - 2014 Evening Devotional
Be encouraged every day by selections from the Spirit of Prophecy that focus on God’s great love for us and His deep interest in every aspect of our daily lives.
Principles for Christian Leaders
Principles for Christian Leaders is a wide-ranging collection of material gathered from the inspired writings of Ellen G. White on many aspects of Christian leadership.
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A Prophet Among You
Anyone wishing to make a careful study of the place of the prophetic gift in the church will treasure the wealth of knowledge in A Prophet Among You.

The Prophet and the Presidents
The Prophet and the Presidents is a study of the influence of Ellen White upon the administrative leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church from 1887-1913. While enriching the understanding of a new generation of Adventists, it will deepen their appreciation for her work as they learn of the struggles and joys, pain and sorrow in the development of the church.
Prophets In Conflict: Issues in Authority
Known for his provocative approach to serious topics, Knight’s latest book will not disappoint.
Far from it, Prophets in Conflict not only challenges Adventist thinking and provides food for thought, but it also stimulates vigorous discussion.
Far from it, Prophets in Conflict not only challenges Adventist thinking and provides food for thought, but it also stimulates vigorous discussion.
Royalty and Ruin
Second in the condensed Conflict of the Ages series Royalty and Ruin is an adaptation of Prophets and Kings. It is the second volume in a five book series approved by the White Estates that will bring the clear messages of the Conflict of the Ages set to a new generation of readers.

Spiritual Gifts Vol 3 & 4
Volume III. Important Facts of Faith, in Connection with the History of Holy Men of Old. Ellen G. White. Steam Press of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association. Battle Creek, Mich.: 1864.
Volume IV. Important Facts of Faith: Laws of Health and Testimonies Nos. 1-10. Ellen G. White. Steam Press of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association. Battle Creek, Mich.: 1864.

Spiritual Gifts Volumes 1 & 2
The original volumes bearing this title were known by their subtitle Facts of Faith.

Stories from Sunnyside
Ellen White’s time in Australia and New Zealand grew to nine years and represents her most mature and pioneering work. Her leadership saw the church grow significantly with new churches planted in many cities and towns, the establishment of what became Avondale College and Sanitarium Health Food Company, and publication of The Desire of Ages.
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Testimony Countdown
Especially good for small discussion groups, Testimony Countdown is a study guide to the nine volumes of Testimonies for the Church, which will help participants discover Mrs. White’s advice on thousands of different subjects.

To Be Like Jesus
This fresh compilation from the writings of a deceased writer calls us into deeper fellowship with God and equips us for the journey. Clustering around a different theme each month, each devotional is another step in an ever-sweeter journey with Jesus.
Unlikely Leaders
The fourth volume of the condensed and adapted Conflict of the Ages series, The Acts of the Apostles, that will help familiarize a whole new generation of readers with these classic books.

Walking with Ellen White
Here is an intimate glimpse into Ellen White's personal life--her joys and struggles as a wife, mother, friend, and Christian.

Welfare Ministry
This compilation brings together Ellen White’s statements on poverty and inspires ministry to the sick and underprivileged.
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Why Me, Lord?
Though at first, Ellen Harmon fled from God’s commission, preferring death to the awesome responsibility He had called her to bear, she did follow God’s plan, and the legacy of faith she left behind is recorded in this book.