How to Make a Visit
In How to Make a Visit, you’ll learn tips and best practices for making effective in-person visits to people who request Bible studies, former members, the sick or homebound, and others. get the specific tools to sharpen your skills in the art of personal evangelism today.
The Advance Guard of Missions
The Advance Guard of Missions tells the incredible stories of twenty-seven missionaries who gave up everyday comforts, and sometimes even their lives, in order to spread the gospel message.
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Africa Adopted Us
This is a love story—not only the story of how a missionary couple comes to love and “adopt” the African people they came to serve, but a story of how the African people come to love and adopt the missionaries as their own,—as people they knew really loved them. And as you read, you’ll come to love them all.
Africa's Diamonds
In Africa’s Diamonds, author Yvonne Davy, who was a missionary wife in Africa, graphically portrays the experiences of Rossier and Myrtle Campbell, two very young people who left their homes and homeland right after their marriage to go to Africa.
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Among the Arabs In Bible Lands
Among the Arabs in Bible Lands is an interesting little book written by missionary W. K. Ising and his wife, who was with him in Palestine.
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Angels Over Manilla
So begins the exciting true story of Hazel Wilcox and her family, missionaries in the Philippines at the outbreak of World War II, and of the angels who watched over them through bullets, bombs, hunger, and sickness and even while they sang Christmas carols as bombers screamed overhead.
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Anna and Bent
It was 1927. Excitement ran through the Skodsborg Sanitarium near Copenhagen, Denmark. The great missionary from South America, Fernando Stahl, had arrived on campus.
This is their story during some of the most exciting days in the great South American field.
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Banza's Incredible Journey
The Adventist Church has commissioned ADRA for a very special mission. That mission is to help the most needy of God’s children.
The Best Amazing True Mission Stories
The day of miracles is not past. From Africa to America, from the South Pacific islands to Siberia, miracles are taking place as God works to bring individuals to Himself.
Best Ever Mission Stories
In this book, you will find examples of many ordinary young people who dare to do extraordinary things for God and others.
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Blessed Are They
Blessed Are They is not just a collection of moving feel-good stories. It is a call to action. You can make a difference in someone’s life. Are you one of the blessed?
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Burning Hope
Burning Hope is a story of courage and adventure, the story of God’s leading in the life of a German youth who recognized God’s call and refused to let circumstances turn him aside from responding.

Captain Jack Radley and the Heyday of the Fleet: The Story of Adventist Mission Boats in the South Seas
Since the earliest days of Adventist mission, reaching the people of the South Pacific has offered unique challenges. Vast oceans, remote islands and hostile populations, limited communications, and the ever-present risks of tropical storms and diseases rendered this a region in which the gospel would only spread with long-term commitment. Generations of expatriate and then local missionaries faithfully took up this challenge—supported by a growing fleet of mission boats of many shapes and sizes.
A self-taught engineer, ship’s captain and navigator, Jack Radley was one of the dominant figures in the development and heyday of the fleet, demonstrating the pioneering spirit that saw the Adventist church established and growing in these island nations, as well as contributing to the medical and economic development of the region. As such, this carefully researched history of Adventist mission boats is also the story of the people who sailed them and the international church they helped build.
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Conquering High Mountains
Conquering High Mountains shares the story, hopes, and bravery of the Beans--which now allows Christian denominations of Bolivia to live free and work together for the common goal of uplifting humanity and bringing Jesus Christ into the hearts of the rich and poor, high and low.
Cupcake Hill
Yet, the sense that God is with them, and will lead them out of their poverty, prevails. Cupcake Hill is the story of one woman’s spiritual growth. From the exuberance and innocence of childhood, the poverty of young adulthood, and the tragedy of disease, Juanita matures into a woman of hopeful courage.
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Dark Night, Brilliant Star
This is the true story of Abram La Rue, a missionary to the island of Hong Kong. For fourteen years, he and a friend distributed magazines, tracts, and books and spoke the good news of salvation wherever they went.

Dearest Folks
In 1956, Sydney nurse Margaret Watts and her husband Horrie set out on the adventure of a lifetime: mission service in Vanuatu (then the New Hebrides), followed by further years serving on the island of Bougainville in the then-Territory of New Guinea. In these letters sent home to family in Australia, Margaret gives a thorough account of what daily life was like working as a missionary nurse in remote areas of the Pacific.
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For God and Emperor
This is the story, as told by Herbert Hanson, of his and his wife’s missionary service in Ethiopia. You will be inspired as you hear how God uses them mightily and unexpectedly for His service.
Forbidden Islands
Pastor John Gray embarked as missionary to the Fiji Islands in 1963, and in the face of great opposition, evil spirits, and disheartened people, he sought to win souls for Christ and teach them about a loving God.
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Fruit from the Jungle
Pastor Wood and his family were pioneer missionaries for the work of God and the Seventh-day Adventist Church to the people of India. Even in the midst of this motley mixture of religious beliefs, he battled to spread Bible truth.
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Glimpses of Korea
First written in 1923 and rereleased as part of the Heritage collection, Glimpses of Korea is a diary of the author’s missionary travels in Korea. The reader will learn of the history, strange customs, and way of life for the Korean people and the work of the church among them.
God's Great Missionaries
Author Gary Krause shares biblical and contemporary examples of sharing one's faith.
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High Adventure In Korea
This book is a collection of personal stories of the lives of Koreans sure to bring the reader inspiration and courage to keep the faith of Jesus even in the midst of trial.
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In the Amazon Jungles
Read this book, and thank God for the work of Pastor Stahl and his noble wife who shared with him the trials, hardships, and victories.
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In the Land of the Incas
This is the true story of Pastor Stahl, missionary to the Inca Indians of Peru.
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Invisible Escort
This is the story of the Christensens’ mission work in war-torn China. They endured air raids, floods, serious illness, bandits, enemy cross fire, invasion after invasion, and had lived through them all.
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Jungle Adventurer
Elder O. E. Davis was one who pushed toward a goal and nothing could stop him. He accepted God's order to establish a mission amoung the Indians in western British Guiana. Today many Indians live in the hope of Jesus because Elder Davis loved them and gave his life for them.
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Jungle Journey and other stories
Inspiring mission stories from the jungles and mountains of Peru.
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Kerala: The Gem of India
Hinduism is said to be the “Gibraltar of heathenism,” and the caste system can well be said to be its stronghold. Satan could not have devised a more effectual means of retarding the spread of the gospel.
Lantern Light
Lantern Light is the true story of Gentle Blessing, a young Chinese girl growing up in upper-middle-class China.
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A living Sacrifice
Did you know that in West Africa, in the late 19th century, the average casualty rate among missionaries was so high that they were only expected to live just two years? So often, we forget about the price paid to spread the gospel message to the world. In this book, David Trim takes a look at extraordinary stories of dedicated missionaries who risked their lives—but did so because they had put their lives in the hands of the Holy Spirit.
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The Long Road to China
The Long Road to China is Harry Miller’s amazing story of uncommon courage, uncommon dedication, and uncommon faith.
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The Lord's Prayer Through Primitive Eyes
These meditations on the Lord’s Prayer enable us to see through “new eyes” as we revisit the phrases in this familiar passage.
Lure of India
Lure of India is the story of missionaries Joe and Judy Gardner. In the early part of the 1900s, they left father and mother, home and country, to serve as teachers and missionaries at a mission school in India. The small village of Kottarakara became their home for seven years.
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Man-Eaters of Malekula
Man-Eaters of Malekula is more than a mission story. It is a documented account of miracles, drama, tragedy and triumph in the rescue of thousands from the darkness of evil to the hope and healing found in the name of Jesus.
Mem Kha's Love Story
This is the story of Jeane Kravig’s experience as a medical secretary on a mission hospital compound in Thailand—ten years of ups and downs and adjustments to a new life among the Thai people.
Miracle on the Mountain
Miracle on the Mountain is a collection of twelve extraordinary mission stories of faith and courage from around the globe. Stand alongside Li Hua and Segfred as they face certain death. Walk beside Genya and Won Tak as they preach the gospel against all odds, and journey with Philipp and Thomas to the ends of the earth to share the truth of the three angels' messages.
Mission Fields at Home
Mission Fields at Home reveals to the reader the great opportunity we as Americans have in our home country to evangelize the many nationalities that represent our culture.
Mission to the Navajo
This book will share with you a glance of Navajo life, past and present, and a sketch of the story of Christian missions among these people, with a more detailed picture of Seventh-day Adventist mission activity and a glimpse into the possibilities of the future.
Mission: Africa
The author, Bob Prouty, spent six years in Zaire, Africa. For five of those years he was principal of the School of Pedagogy at the Institute de Lukanga. In this book he tells some of his experiences.
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Missions: A Two-Way Street
Anyone interested in missions will find this book profitable as well as interesting.
Are we as Seventh-day Adventists repeating history? An exclusive faith is incompatible with an inclusive Father who sent His Son to die for everyone. Broken people, scarred by failed trust, past abuse, loneliness, and suffering, are looking for places to be accepted, places to exhale, places to be fulfilled on their life journey. Is your church that place? Are you sharing your safe place with them?
This book presents six actions that will revolutionize mission and evangelism for you and your church.
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No Devil Strings
This is the story of savage headhunters and dedicated missionary pioneers—and of the changes that came during the lifetime of one man.
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One Trip to Kenya
Master storyteller David Edgren was invited on a three-week trip to Africa to tell the people stories about Jesus.
Our Story of Missions
Our Story of Missions by William A. Spicer covers the span of missionary work from the early Old Testament times to the beginning of the Seventh-day Adventist Missions and its spread into Europe.
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Paddles Over the Kamarang
Paddles Over the Kamarang is the actual experiences of a modern missionary adventure--a month-long trip to visit our "Davis Indian" believers of Mount Roraima.
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Pakistan Zindabad!
First written in 1961 and rereleased as part of the Heritage project, this book is a collection of stories about the author’s experience in Pakistan as a missionary.
Polynesian Paradise
Together, the Taylors went to the island country of Samoa to spread the light of God’s message to its inhabitants. This is the fascinating story of their mission work and the life and customs of the South Pacific, and how God’s message transforms the island people.

Remembering Mona Mona: The Mission in the Rainforest
Operating from 1913 to 1962, Mona Mona Mission was a Seventh-day Adventist institution for Indigenous Australians in the Cairns hinterland in northern Queensland. Although unique both in its affiliation with the Adventist Church and among the church’s institutions, Mona Mona was part of a government system that sought to regulate and control most aspects of the lives of Australia’s First Peoples in that era.
Based on interviews with past Mona Mona residents and staff, along with historical records and research, Remembering Mona Mona brings together contributions from historians and researchers to explore the diverse experiences of Mona Mona’s residents, as well as the intent and struggles of the missionaries, who were usually well-intentioned, chronically under-resourced, and very much a product of their times and beliefs.
Based on interviews with past Mona Mona residents and staff, along with historical records and research, Remembering Mona Mona brings together contributions from historians and researchers to explore the diverse experiences of Mona Mona’s residents, as well as the intent and struggles of the missionaries, who were usually well-intentioned, chronically under-resourced, and very much a product of their times and beliefs.
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The Sanguma Tree
Faith is a personal, intensely powerful experience that runs deeply throughout cultures and families around the world. In The Sanguma Tree, discover the pure and unwavering faith of the indigenous people of Papua New Guinea who believe in an all-powerful God.
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Scar Across the Heart
If you enjoyed Bob Prouty’s book Mission: Africa, said to be the best mission story of the decade, you will enjoy this sequel.
Sky Pilot of Alaska
These are true stories of dangerous journeys by land, sea, and air; rescues in raging storms and fierce tides, sleepless nights on board the "Messenger". This book is the record of a man who dared to drink deeply of adventure but also lived a life dedicated to the advance of Christianity in Alaska.
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A Soldier for Jesus
When Elder Andrews’s wife, Angelina, died, he decided to take his son, Charles, and daughter, Mary, and go to Switzerland, not for a holiday, but to work for Jesus there.
Some Rain Must Fall
This is the story of a missionary doctor’s life in India and Pakistan and of her triumph over tragedy, a book that will tug mightily at your heart strings till the very last page.
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SOS: Urgent Call From Bangladesh
Urgent Call From Bangladeshis the story of Mac and Eleanor Jackson, two “ancients” in their seventies who traveled to Bangladesh to serve the people who lived there.
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Strange Peoples and Customs
Though the journeys are sometimes unpleasant, these missionary stories are beautifully told, and the reader will enjoy learning about the strange customs of strange peoples and how the gospel is going to all the people of the earth.
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Student Nurse
Little did Sue know what the future held in store for her: tragedy with patients; death of a loved one and life that seemed to have lost its meaning; trouble and triumph with her fellow students; blossoming love and the leading of God—all in the life of a student nurse.
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Surely God Led
Surely God Led is the inspiring story of John Howell’s life, his mission experiences in South America and later his work as editor-in-chief of the Bible textbooks used for many years in our Adventist schools.
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Ten Days
Ten Days is a day-by-day account of an evangelistic safari to the isolated village of Kitenge in Zaire—the real heart of Africa—the heart yearning for the gospel.
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Trailing the Davis Indians
Elizabeth Cott tells the story of the triumphs of the Cross among the Indians of Mount Roraima. She was one of many faithful workers who heard the call and responded, “Here I am, send me.”
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The Traveler
This book, rich in history and culture, will ignite that same passion for ministry in you!
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Under His Wings
Under His Wings looks back over the missionary days of the Davy family as they realize how again and again they were extremely fortunate to have God's protection while trying to live and raise a family during those perilous times.
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Up and Down the Andes on a Burro
This little book tells a few of the author's many thrilling and unusual experiences sharing the gospel in South America.

A Voice to Rouse the Nations
A Voice to Rouse the Nations is an illustrated history of Seventh-day Adventist missions through 1915. Author David Trim explores the evolution of the pioneers’ beliefs and attitudes, introduces early overseas missionaries and their goals, and examines Ellen White’s role in the development and reform of the Church’s global mission work.
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Voyage of the Arctic Arrow
Go adventuring with Charles and Virginia Cooper as they build their own boat and sail one thousand miles down the Mackenzie River to the Arctic Ocean!
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White Wings, Green Jungle
Fly with the authors over the vast green jungle of South America, as the first denominationally sponsored planes in Adventist history speed to remote mission outposts on their errands of mercy and enlightenment.
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Wings Over New Guinea
Wings over New Guinea is the thrilling story of the dream of a young missionary (Leonard Barnard) to use airplanes to penetrate the jungle to bring spiritual and physical healing to places where no white man had ever been before. Leonard Barnard flew his “mercy” plane and brought hope to thousands.
Winning Sales and Souls
In Winning Sales and Souls, Chester G. Cross uses his rich experience to present to the reader a practical, down-to-earth method of making sales and at the same time discloses the technique of leading men to a knowledge of God.
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With Our Missionaries in China
It is hoped that this book will inspire others to join in the work of volunteers for service in this great and needy field.