From Japan, With Love
Join Terri, a student missionary from what was then known as Southern Missionary College serving a year at an English language school in Hiroshima, Japan, in 1970–1971. Terri’s regular letters to Allen give a glimpse into her world as she served abroad.
1922: The Rise of Adventist Fundamentalism
1922 understanding the movement - In 1922 Adventism was under siege. At the ideological crossroads were the fundamentalists and the modernists. This book traces the battle lines that formed quickly in the aftermath of the 1919 Bible Conference. In the early 1920s, these issues reached a feverish pitch through articles, sermons, and meetings that kept passions aflame. Although times have changed, the issues remain as relevant as ever.

A Brief History of Seventh-day Adventists
A Brief History fills the important need of providing a short but accurate history of Adventism that can be appreciated by church members and nonmembers alike. It provides an excellent starting place for the study of Seventh-day Adventism.
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A. G. Daniells: The Making of a General Conference president
This book by John J. Robertson is not intended to be a complete biography of A.G. Daniells. It is primarily a study of the abilities, character traits, and attitudes of the man as seen in the light of his lifework and his relationships with other people, notably Ellen G. White.
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Bible Paradoxes
Bible Paradoxes takes many strange verses in scripture, breaks them down, and explains them in plain English. When rightly understood, these spiritual truths are vital for godly living.

A Brief History of Seventh-day Adventists
From the denomination's founding to the present, the author takes you step by step through the development of the Church. At the focal point is the missionary emphasis that literally propelled Adventism into every corner of the earth.

The Church at Washington
The small white church at Washington, New Hampshire, might be regarded as the birthplace of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This illustrated historical account is an inspiring record of God's leading in denominational history.

Conquering the Dragon Within
Conquering the Dragon Within is about victory--victory over the temptations and failings that make us less than God wants us to be. Drawing on the distilled counsel of the Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Twelve-Step recovery movement, author and editor Marvin Moore shows us that a relationship with Jesus is the key to transforming our characters. He shares effective spiritual strategies for defeating the enemy and resisting his temptations.
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Crash Landing
Crash Landing is written around a theme of flying experiences. As a preacher-pilot, the author has found many analogies to vital truths that come to one’s mind when flying. He seeks to relate the lessons Jesus taught in the Bible to this generation of flight and speed.
Determined to Love
Ferdinand and Ana Stahl heard it all, and refused to believe. They had given their lives to improving the lot of the Indians of South America, and particularly to leading them to Christ. They were determined to love these people who were being ground down by the upper class.

Down the River Road
Academy! Becka felt her heart thud as she walked up the steps to her new school. A freshman, a stranger, and alone, Becka felt very small and very frightened.
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Faith Against the Odds
Their story splashes across the heart of Europe and leads us from the Dark Ages to the Reformation. The Waldenses of the Piedmont Valley in Italy somehow managed to hold on to their faith in the basic truths of the gospel while enduring centuries of privation and persecution. How did they do it?

Heartwarming Stories of Adventist Pioneers: Book 2
They spent their lives, their health, their pennies--and their fortunes--in spreading the three angels' messages. Norma Collins' second book of Heartwarming Stories of Adventist Pioneers introduces more pivotal members of our Adventist pioneers to readers in a special way that endears us to them.
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How Many Ways to Heaven?
This booklet will help the sincere reader find the answer, in a confused and perplexed world.

How to Handle Competition
Is competition good or bad? The author says it is neither; it’s our attitude toward competition that matters.

In Grandma's Footsteps
In the Adventures of Hazel Weston series the early 1920's in Oregon's Hood River Valley come alive in this touching story about rural Americans, their triumphs and tragedies, as seen through the eyes of a young girl.
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The Jews and Palestine
The Jews and Palestine by Roy F. Cottrell covers the grand sweep of the history of God’s chosen people. The reader will know that the Jews are not a dying, dwindling race but a miracle of preservation.
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Keepers of the Flame
Keepers of the Flame is written for men and women, young and old, who wish to see, to feel, and, discover what the poets and literary masters of English and American literature have felt and expressed concerning the Christian adventure.
Loud Let It Ring!
With his wife, Andrea, Allen Steele began AWR's first broadcasts in 1971. This book tells the exciting story of God's leading in their lives and, the development of Adventist World Radio and the voice of hope for all peoples.
My Sister Alma and I
Alma McKibbin was one of the first church school teachers in the Western states and the author of the very first Bible textbooks. Throughout the story, you will realize that Alma McKibbin not only pioneered the Adventist educational system but lived from day to day with one purpose in mind—to bless others.

Nature Nuggets
This book offers object lessons from nature, organized in alphabetical order, suitable for use by parents, teachers, Sabbath School and youth group leaders, and anyone else looking for a way to illustrate a truth. The purpose of this book is to give suggestions that will make it easier to see the relation between nature and the spiritual life.

Never a Dull Moment
Surrounded by her 165 "daughters" in the academy girls' dorm, Dean Rizzo sometimes felt like the old woman who lived in the shoe. Other times she felt like a mother hen. Or a referee. Or maybe a drill sergeant.

Organizing for Mission and Growth
The founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church believed church organization was evil. But eventually the need for a credentialed ministry, the need to maintain doctrinal unity, and the need to own property resulted in the formal organization of the church in 1863. Here's the fascinating behind-the-scenes story.
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Pioneering the Message in the Golden West
This book seeks to inform the reader of the values and principles on which the Seventh-day Adventist Church movement was founded, review the sacrificial years of devotion, and recall the labor and means given by those who spread a new belief, prompted by idealism and love of humanity.

Powerful Passages
Powerful Passages recounts the incredible and inspirational true stories of remarkable Christians throughout history whose pivotal moments in life were their direct encounters with specific Bible passages.

Seasons of the Heart
Mix two fiercely independent personalities with mutual attraction and you have the perfect recipe for trouble--especially when one is a city slicker and the other a farmer's kid.
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Seventh Day Baptists: Their Legacy to Adventists
In Seventh Day Baptists: Their Legacy to Adventists, both Seventh Day Baptists and Seventh-day Adventists can find greater fellowship through a better understanding of their common heritage.

A Summer to Grow On
Book 3 in the Becka Bailey series.
A Camp Wauntum Woods counselor at last! Becka finally realized her dream. Each week brought new campers and new challenges. Becka's summer was a blur of fun, anxiety, and growing up. She was making memories that would last a lifetime.
Then there was Geoff Blake. Becka didn't mean to fall for him, but she did. Would the couple be able to keep their romance a secret from everyone--especially from Pastor Joe?
The four-volume "Becka Bailey" set tells the story of Becka Bailey, a Seventh-day Adventist girl growing up in the modern-day Pacific Northwest.

"Take Me to the San"
Sydney Adventist Hospital—still affectionately known to many as “The San”—is a landmark in Sydney’s northern suburbs. A pioneer in wholistic healthcare, the hospital is committed to health of body, mind and spirit for its patients, staff and community.
This is a collection of stories from the history of the San, as well as reflections on how this history has been shaped by mission and what it means to be a hospital with a mission today. Written by contributors with many years’ experience at Sydney Adventist Hospital, these are stories of “Christianity in Action”.
This is a collection of stories from the history of the San, as well as reflections on how this history has been shaped by mission and what it means to be a hospital with a mission today. Written by contributors with many years’ experience at Sydney Adventist Hospital, these are stories of “Christianity in Action”.

Testimony of a Seeker
Testimony of a Seeker is the story of one woman's journey to grace. Though filled with many twists and turns, Jennifer's journey nevertheless serves as an encouragement to all fellow seekers that God is never far from any of us.

The Bible a 20th Century Book
The Bible a 20th Century Book, invites the reader to experience the miracle of the Bible throughout the ages and its great power to make things new then, as well as today.

The Mystery of Israel
The Jews are only a fraction of 1 percent of the world's population. So why do they continue to occupy center stage in world affairs? An Adventist scholar of Jewish heritage, attempts to unravel the mystery of Israel by taking a closer look at the scriptural evidence.
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They Took John's Torch
This book recaptures the stories of the early Celtic missionaries who represented Christianity in its most beautiful form.
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The Truth Seekers
Within the pages of this book is the saga of Hispanic Churches settling in the Southwest.
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Unshakable Faith
In this book, you will embark on an unforgettable journey to discover “unshakable faith”.
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Visions or Seizures
In recent years a number of critics have revived the old allegation that Ellen White’s visions were due to temporal lobe epilepsy resulting from an injury she received when she was nine years old. In this book Dr. Peterson thoroughly explodes this theory.
Your Best Helper: The Holy Spirit
In Your Best Helper, the author sets forth the blessings many miss by failing to realize what their best Helper, the Holy Spirit, can do in and for them.