Author Books
The exciting story of Abraham, the father of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, is told in fascinating detail. True-to-life conversations make the story come alive for middle school kids, and information boxes for more advanced readers delve into ancient culture. Part of the Family Bible Story series.
Adam & Eve
First God created the world and everything in it. Then He took a lump of clay, shaped it into human form, and breathed it to life. But sin invaded Paradise, bringing death. And so began the grand story of redemption: the tragedy of Cain and Abel. Enoch’s walk with God. Noah’s ark and the great Flood.Babel’s confusion of languages. It’s all in these pages, beautifully illustrated with specially commissioned art.
He laid a clever plot to steal the birthright blessing from his brother, Esau, a hunter. Esau was furious! Jacob fled for safety to his uncle Laban. But what goes around comes around, and so the trickster was tricked–he asked for the hand of Rachel, but woke up to find he’d gotten Leah instead. With compelling power the ups and downs in the life of Jacob are dramatized here as never before.
This beautifully illustrated book about Joseph is based on careful research and includes a wealth of background information in addition to a well-crafted story and beautiful illustrations. Part of the Family Bible Story series.